General Medicine
General medicine and general practitioners are specialized to be your *first source of medical help and good advice* in the face of all health problems. A doctor-patient relationship based on continuity allows us to consider symptoms and findings *in the light of your personal lifestyle*, your history, your surroundings and your concept of illness.
Medical care for adults and children
Since we as your *family doctors* know you - sometimes from childhood – we are in *a position to treat you* for almost any medical question *in the light of your personal characteristics* and the conditions under which you live and work.
Preventive examinations for children (Scheduled examinations)
We carry out the scheduled examinations for *children from the age of 6 or 7 months*.
Preventive examinations for adults (Check-up)
Privately insured patients can come to us for their *annual check-ups*:
*physical examination, laboratory tests, and ECG*.
Patients covered by regulated insurers are entitled to a physical examination, a blood test for sugar and cholesterol and a urine test every 2 years from the age of 35. You may supplement this legally defined basic examination at any time at your own cost (see "supplementary treatments" below).
Pre-employment examination for young people
Employers require young people to have a medical examination when they start work to ensure that they are *medically sound enough to begin their chosen career* and that they will *not be negatively affected* by any aspect of the job.
Pre-operative examination
Surgeons and hospitals require a pre-operative examination when they plan an operation to provide the vital statistics that will enable them to give you the personalized operative and post-operative care you need. These statistics include *laboratory tests on specific organs, blood tests, heart, lung and general tests*.
Out-patient spa treatments in Bad Homburg – prescription and supervision of treatment
Prescription and supervision of *locally available treatments* are part of our practice as *medical advisor for Rehabilitation and Water Therapy*. These treatments, however, used to be ordered only at a distance from the patient’s home but are *now also prescribed as out-patient treatment for residents of any spa* where thermal waters are available. If you as a *resident of Bad Homburg or the Hochtaunus Area* or have a prescription for such a treatment from us or from an authorized medical doctor we can take over the supervision of your treatment. The following *treatments are available in the spa`s Vitalcenter and the Taunus Therme*:
Physical therapy, mobility therapy, mineral baths for mobility therapy, various massages, foot reflex massage, lymph drainage, electrotherapy, the specially developed Dr. Stanger bath, as well as other medical baths.
These treatments are designed to treat the following conditions:
*Heart and blood circulation*
*Rheumatism and mobility disorders*
*Stomach, digestive system, liver, gall bladder and metabolism*
*Nervous and psychosomatic ailments*
*Dermatological disorders*
Laboratory tests (Blood, smear tests, cultures)
Preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic examinations require general and specific laboratory tests that we may either carry out in the practice or send to a laboratory, for example:
-* Throat cultures for streptococcus*
-* Blood fat values*
-* Thyroid hormones*
-* Liver*
-* Kidneys*
-* Borrelliosis*
-* Allergy test*
-* HIV*
-* Blood test for concentration of a particular medication*
Blood pressure
A *change in blood pressure* can be an indication of illness or actually be the problem itself. Abnormal blood pressure is *detectable only when the deviation from the normal value is extreme*, but serious damage to the heart and circulatory system can occur long before that stage. We therefore recommend a *routine blood pressure check once a year*.
The electrocardiogram is a diagnostic test to *rule out or reveal acute or chronic damage* to the heart muscle and its coronary blood vessels.
Infusions (iron deficiency, vitamin deficiency, etc.)
When symptoms such as sudden loss of energy, or continual decrease in general condition are the reason for the blood test and acute deficiencies or imbalances are found in the blood test or during the physical examination these deficiencies must be treated rapidly.
One of the most effective methods of treatment is infusion, whether the treatment is for iron, vitamin or mineral deficiency or a strong infection. Areas of treatment are therefore:
- *iron deficiency due to excessive menstrual blood loss*
- *demonstrated vitamin deficiency* (e.g. B12, Folic acid, etc.)
- *abnormal electrolyte count*
- *strong infection*
- *infectious induced nervous disorder of the facial nerves*
*General loss of energy* in the absence of demonstrated vitamin or mineral deficiencies can also be treated with infusions. In this case the cost treatment would be borne by the patient
Vaccinations for adults and children
Patients often come to the doctor for *specific vaccinations*.
They may need *advice on the need or risk* of such vaccinations.
Often, however, they want to know *which vaccinations are really necessary*, especially for children.
Filling out forms with a smile
It’s no longer *a secret* that *doctors spend a great amount of time filling out insurance forms*. This is time that would normally be spent treating patients. The onslaught of new forms or changes in existing ones is usually the work of uninitiated administrators. Though we hope for a lessening of this creative productivity we don't, unfortunately, expect it. In fact, we expect the number of insurance forms to increase rather than decrease in the not so distant future due to new legislation and regulation of medical care.
If you feel you’ve been *attacked by the paper tiger*, as we all do, we will try to help. *Together we* may be able to *shoot a few*, although sometimes we feel overwhelmed ourselves…
It’s no longer *a secret* that *doctors spend a great amount of time filling out insurance forms*. This is time that would normally be spent treating patients. The onslaught of new forms or changes in existing ones is usually the work of uninitiated administrators. Though we hope for a lessening of this creative productivity we don't, unfortunately, expect it. In fact, we expect the number of insurance forms to increase rather than decrease in the not so distant future due to new legislation and regulation of medical care.
If you feel you’ve been *attacked by the paper tiger*, as we all do, we will try to help. *Together we* may be able to *shoot a few*, although sometimes we feel overwhelmed ourselves…
Preventive care
These medically advisable measures are mostly covered by private insurances. For regulated insurance patients they are, though desirable, not covered.
-*complete annual check up, encompassing a physical examination, ECG and laboratory tests.*
-*stool test for hidden traces of blood, essential in testing for intestinal cancer*
-*stool test for fungus infection*
-*PSA test for men*
-*HIV test*
*Vitamin C* applied as infusion can be supplied as a *highdose treatment*, which can´t be provided by oral nutrient supplements due to lack of absorption in the intestine. Like that a stressed *body's decreased anti-oxidant potential* can be *reestablished very successfully*. Due to that the *immunesystem regains* its normal functions and power.
Typical cases are: *beginning or relapsing infections* as common colds or herpes as well as *operations*, which exhaust the body`s regenerative powers. After and before intense oxidizing therapies, such as *radiations* and *chemotherapies*, it is an excellent option to rebalance the redox systems of the organism. *Heavy smokers* who can't quit yet get another opportunity to support their health.
Die Anwendung als Infusion erlaubt es uns *Vitamin C* dem Körper in einer *Hochdosis* anzubieten, die als Nahrungsergänzung unmöglich ist. Das durch Stresssituationen *verringerte antioxidative Potential* des Körpers wird so wirkungsvoller *wiederhergestellt*. So wird das *Immunsystem wieder abwehrstärker*. Typische Situationen:*gerade beginnende* oder *sich wiederholende Infekte* vom grippalen Infekt bis zum Herpes, ebenso wie *operative Eingriffe*, die das körperliche Potential zur Regeneration erschöpfen. Nach und vor intensiven oxidativen Therapien wie *Bestrahlungen* und *Chemotherapien* ist es eine ausgezeichnete Option die Redoxsysteme wieder auszubalancieren. Starke *Raucher*, die es noch nicht lassen, können so etwas für ihre Gesundheit tun.
Infusions containing compounds of homeopathic medicines (detox, etc.)
*Clearance* ("detoxication") of stressed inner organs *from stored products* of the intermediate metabolism can be achieved *by providing soft impulses* i.e. homeopathic remedies. This goal is approached by the use of compounds of *homeopathic medicines* as infusions *together with* a beneficial *modification of lifestyle*.
Treatment with one`s own blood (for prophylaxis, allergies, etc.)
*Frequent winter infections* should be treated by *strengthening the immune system* before the weather turns cold.
Allergy treatment should be begun early. For example *prevention of allergy* to early blossoming plants should begin in December.
See also "Oral desensitization"
Modulation of resident intestinal symbionts (e.g. after frequent antibiotic treatment)
An *increased incidence of infections* of the respiratory tract or bladder is not only the reason for *frequent use of antibiotics* but may also be a result of this use -*even in children*. The cause is often *an impaired immune system due to loss of intestinal flora*. Then the treatment is to determine whether a *change of diet or habits* will achieve the desired result or additional therapy like *supplementing symbiotic endobacteria* or a *specific immunization* is necessary.
In special cases, laboratory tests may give results indicating the need for *special medication*, if there is an excess of unwanted bacteria or even fungi.
Certifications for athletics, kindergarten, school, travel with medication in the US, etc.
When *you have recovered* from a contagious disease, *schools and public organizations* often require certification that you no longer carry the contagious virus, bacteria, etc. Even *athletic clubs* sometimes want to know that you or your child will be able to undergo their strenuous training.
Medical advice and vaccination before travel to foreign countries
When you have to *travel for business reasons* or *just want to get away* you should know what to expect and be prepared in good time for all eventualities. *Some vaccinations require 2-3 months to mature* in the body. Some countries require you to bring the necessary medication with you in case of emergency (see *traveling first aid kit*).
Travelling first aid kit
Certain illnesses appear *on the weekend*, not only in children but also in adults. Then you can’t call your family doctor or go to your usual drug store. In some countries *abroad* you may be constantly in this situation, which means *you have to be prepared* to handle the most common illnesses and discomforts without the support of your doctor or pharmacist.
We will be *pleased to help you* decide what you and your family need, be it conventional or naturopathic, and advise you on the extent of treatment you should apply.
Nutritional advice
Concerning *over- or underweigth*, in the case of *eating disorders* also, but also in regard to your *bodytype* you receive counceling on *matching nutrition* and its proper combinations.
Bei Über- und Untergewicht, bei Essstörungen, aber auch passend zu Ihrem Körpertyp bekommen Sie Hinweise zu passenden Nahrungsmitteln und ihren Zusammenstellungen.
TENS (for chronic pains)
Transcutaneous Electric Nervous Stimulation is used for various chronic pains.
A simple blood test reveals your type of *bloodgroup* and *subfactors*.
Quitting smoking
*If you feel like it`s time* - *go ahead*! It´s the very *best you can do* for your health and the health of your loved ones. We are glad to support you in many ways. Be it *naturopathic*, *ear acupuncture* or *modern medication against craving*- just *make the decision* and go for it!